2014年5月14日 星期三

空中英語教室 vegetarian


能量蛋 The Amazing Egg


Good news for those who enjoy eating eggs!

空中英語教室Good TV 網路收看

Information Cloud

vegetarian 素食主義者的泛稱
vegan 吃全素的人, 蛋和乳製品都不吃
ethical vegan 道德純素食主義者, 除不吃肉類之外, 還主動的去幫助動物, 包含不買任何來自動物製品的產品, 例如蜂蜜, 皮革等等
fruitarian 水果主義者, 只吃植物能夠再長出來的部份, 像是水果果實, 殼類種子, 豆類等等

Grammar gym

Chock-full of nutrients, eggs have been called the total package when it comes to healthy foods.

When it comes to nutrition, eggs contain 13 essential nutrients, one of which is critical to healthy brain function.

when it comes to

mean: speaking about

Lucas is usually very easygoing, but when it comes to politics, he becomes very defensive.
Selena may seem like a shy person, but when it comes to shopping, she can be quite aggressive.

