2014年5月29日 星期四

空中英語教室 number rules


瘦身一定要去健身房嗎? Should You Join a Gym?


Are gym memberships and personal trainers worth the cost?

空中英語教室Good TV 網路收看

Information Cloud

number rules

Since I hired my personal trainer six months ago, I've lost 20 pounds.
當小於10的數字時, 要拼出單字來, 大於等於10的數字就寫阿拉伯數字.

當句首是數字時, 要拼出單字, 除非那是個年份.
1998 was a great year.

Grammar gym

Julie: Yeah, but knowing I'm scheduled to meet my trainer at the gym helps me stay disciplined.
Kaitlyn: I'm glad.

I'm glad
I'm glad to hear that.
I'm glad that happened.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm sorry that happened.

