2014年5月23日 星期五

空中英語教室 take after someone


工作態度遺傳基因 The Meaning of Work


There’s a good chance you’ll view work the way your parents did

空中英語教室Good TV 網路收看

Information Cloud

take after someone 遺傳到某人
son after father 兒子遺傳到爸爸的個性或長相

a chip off the old block 字面上的意思是, 從樹上掉下來的一塊小碎片,
引申為同一塊模子印出來的, 通常用來讚美, 像是 like father, like son
like mother, like daughter 有其母必有其女

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
字面表思: 蘋果落地離樹不遠
用於負面, 不好的意思, 像是上樑不正下歪的意思

Grammar gym

First, there are job-oriented people, those who tend to see their job as simply a way to make money.

... [some kind of people], those who ...

Keep a safe distance from fake friends, those who look friendly but really don't care about you.
It's a good idea to surround yourself with cheerleaders, those who are always encouraging you and telling you not to give up.

