2014年4月21日 星期一

空中英語教室 near miss


第二次汽車工業革命:自動駕駛汽車 WHO’S IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT?


The race is on for cars that drive themselves

空中英語教室Good TV 網路收看

Information Cloud

near miss 幾乎沒撞上

Grammar gym

Knowing when to brake and when to accelerate in such situations is hard enough for a human driver, let alone a robotic one.

let something/someone alone
to not bother something or someone
Just let him alone because he's having a bad day.

let alone something or some

not to mention

The child can't even say his name, let alone tell someone where he lives.
Thelma was so sick. She couldn't even walk to her front door, let alone to the hospital.

